Maria Geary

Maria Geary


   4139 Wallingford Place, Durham, NC, 27707

With the knowledge that we are all connected to the creator, the door of creativity and possibility are wide open With that said, it is with purposeful intent that I create, so I can keep a deep sense of being connected.  With each brush stroke, mark, or line of stitching, I am allowing myself to be free of worry, fear, and doubt.  I admit that this is at times is most trying, as my inner voice is always at war with what I have been called to do.  The war rages on as I complete the work knowing I must allow myself to be both vulnerable and courageous.

As an early riser, I use the stillness of the dawn to prepare me for the day.  Just as we allow our cars to warm up when first starting them, my morning routine gently eases the transition from rest to toil.  It is a part of my creative practice that greatly affects my mood and even decision making.  As I begin, I sometimes think of the transition period (regardless of medium) and use it to inform the colors and shapes for inspiration.  As the work develops, the dance of color, thought and daily scripture reading play back and forth in my mind pushing forward until a finished piece is in view.