Melissa Rooney

Melissa Rooney


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   1120 Iredell Street, Durham, NC, 27705

Melissa Rooney is an author, editor and educator with a focus on reuniting Science with the Arts and Humanities. She is available for readings of her children’s books (live and via Zoom) and presentation of hands-on, science-based educational workshops at public and private schools, libraries, museums, festivals, corporate events and birthday parties. For more details, visit Melissa’s webpage at

Melissa’s Bio:

After receiving undergraduate degrees in English and Chemistry from the College of William and Mary, Melissa Rooney studied electrochemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1998. From 1999-2002 she conducted research at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. She was awarded a Post Doctoral Fellowship from the Australian Research Council from 2000-2003.

In 2002, she returned to North Carolina to raise her family with her husband. Since then, she has blogged and written for NC newspapers and has published award-winning children’s books as well as stories and verses in serial publications and anthologies, including Highlights Children’s Magazine and Bay Leaves.

Melissa offers writing residencies and workshops freelance and through the Durham Arts Council‘s Culture and Arts in the Public Schools (CAPS) program based on her children’s books Eddie the Electron, The Fate of The Frog, and The Australian Didgeridoo.

She is also available for literary and scientific editing services.