william willey

william willey


Website: https://liveatstreetlevel.com

Blog URL: https://forthewallphotography.com


   230 Harry Turner Road, Roxboro, NC

I have been passionate about photography for thirty years since getting my first 35mm for a high-school class. With the first click of the shutter and then holding my first attempts at darkroom developing it has been a constant and evolving quest in developing my eye and sense of self in my photography. I have been working professionally for over twenty years and for the past decade my main focus has been on street photography as a fine art and Documentary photography for the story it tells. I love street photography; it can be and is a blend of social storytelling and art. Landscape photography: be it urban or rural views is what I do when I need to slow down and reset.

Over the years I have been published in magazines and books, hundreds of portraits and wedding type clients, corporate clients and Gallery exhibitions. Most recent exhibition coming up in June 2023. I love teaching, sharing and spreading my passion with others.

Currently I started a project to spread street photography and give other aspiring photographers a chance and a place to tell their stories and their view of the world they live in. liveatstreetlevel.com started out as a project I have been doing for myself as a way of archiving my own work. The visual stories as seen in magazine form was so rewarding to myself, I wanted to share and hopefully grow the experience for others.