Southeast Center for Arts Integration

Southeast Center for Arts Integration

Education - Nonprofit


 919-360-0690, 910-733-2609


 2310 Stansbury Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27516

We foster the creation, dissemination, evaluation and improvement of arts integration programs. We provide information and experiences to teachers and teaching artists that empower them to engage their students in learning across the curriculum through and with the arts, for the twenty-first century and beyond.

We Offer

  • Professional Development Institutes: Comprehensive two-day, three-day, or five-day arts-integration training that teaches faculty and staff how to reach curricular goals with the arts
  • Workshops: One-day, half-day, or three-hour introductions that teach faculty and staff how to use arts integration to help students master Common Core and Essential Standards and build 21st Century Skills like communication, collaboration, and creative thinking to deepen understanding
  • Demonstration Teaching: Our teaching artists work with your students so teachers can witness the effectiveness of arts integration.
  • Arts-Integration Residency: Partnering with teachers, our teaching artists help plan and team-teach arts-integrated units of a week or longer.